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Nov 2, 2020

Freelancers have been working from home for a long time. It's only been recently, in the wake of COVID, that the rest of the world left their offices for their kitchen tables and bedrooms as new places and spaces to do their work. The problem is that the long-term effects of isolation, poor ergonomics, eye-strain and...

Oct 5, 2020

Are you one of those people that is ALWAYS late for everything? Maybe you've tried that "set-your-clock-ahead" trick and it didn't work for you. Not to worry, we've got you covered. Here are three coaching tips on how to overcome your punctuality problem.

Sep 28, 2020

Loralyn Mears, PhD offers coaching tips on a different theme each week. This week's theme is how to get back in front of the 8 ball, instead of being behind it all the time.

Sep 14, 2020

Loralyn Mears talks about your life plan - we arbitrarily and loosely set goals for various milestones. However, when we don't hit those milestone goals, we become very critical of ourselves and often depressed because we've missed them. Here, I present tips on how to stop feeling like you're "behind" on your life plan.

Sep 1, 2020

Loralyn Mears, PhD offers coaching tips on a different theme each week. This snappy podcast gives you that quick boost you need to get your week off to a fabulous start and to keep you pumped all week. This week's theme is how to prepare for back to school - without losing your mind!